Useful Vocab for Bikers

Motorcycle Linguistic Info

Many motorcycle-related words in Japan come from English. They often, however, have somewhat different meanings than the original English. For example BAIKU (バイク) means “motorcycle”. It never means “bicycle”.

NOTE: This page contains Japanese script–if your computer’s OS or browser is not set up to read it, many words will simply look like garbage. To be able to see the Japanese without a properly equipped computer, try running this page through a translator website like Monash University’s Japanese page viewer.

Names for vehicles:

BAIKU (バイク) motorcycle (most commonly-used word)

GENTSUKI (原付き) motorized two-wheeled vehicle (usually < 50cc)

JIDOUSHA (自動車) car

JITENSHA (自転車) bicycle

KURUMA (車) car

KYUUKYUUSHA (救急車) ambulance

MAIKAA (マイカー) personal car (i.e. not taxi, etc.)

MOTOKUROSU (モトクロス) motocross (vehicle, riding, etc.)

NANAHAN (七半) 750cc motorcycle (Kansai dialect)

NEIKIDDO (ネイキッド) motorcycle without fairings (engine exposed)

NIHAN (二半) 250cc motorcycle (Kansai dialect)

NIRINSHA (二輪車、2輪) “two-wheeled vehicle”

OFUROODO (オフロード) offroad (vehicle, riding, etc.)

OOTOBAI (オートバイ) scooter/motorcycle

SUKUUTAA (スクーター) scooter (usually 50cc)

TANSHA (単車) scooter/motorcycle

YONRINSHA (四輪車、4輪車) cage (car)


AITE (相手) “the other driver/rider”

BOUSOUZOKU (暴走族) engine-revving delinquent punks/bike thieves

DORAIBAA (ドライバー) car driver

KEISATSU (警察) the police

OMAWARISAN (お巡りさん) policeman (friendly term)

RAIDA (ライダー) biker; one who rides a motorcycle

SHIROBAI (白バイ) motorcycle cop (lit: white bike)

SHUURIYASAN (修理屋さん) mechanic

TANDEMU (タンデム) motorcycle passenger; riding with a passenger

Proper names:

ARAI (アライ) Arai (helmet manufacturer)

DOKA (ドカ) Ducati

DOKACHI (ドカチ) Ducati

HAARII (ハーリー) Harley Davidson (who?)


HONDA (本田) Honda

KATANA (刀) Katana

KAWASAKI (カワサキ) Kawasaki

SHOUEI (昭栄) Shoei (helmet manufacturer)

SUZUKI (スズキ) Suzuki

YAMAHA (ヤマハ) Yamaha

YOSHIMURA (ヨシムラ) Yoshimura (parts manufacturer)

Accessories and Parts (if not in the list, probably can just Japifiy the English):

GASORIN (ガソリン) gasoline; petrol

REGYURAA (レギュラー) regular octane gas/petrol

HAIOKU (ハイオク) high octane gas/petrol

MANTAN (満タン) full tank

HANDORU (ハンドル) handlebars; steering wheel

HANSHATEEPU (反射テープ) reflective tape

HERUMETTO (ヘルメット) helmet

KOUGU (工具) tools

OIRU KOUKAN (オイル交換) oil change

RAITO (ライト) headlight

RAITO NO KOUJIKU (ライトの光軸) aim of the headlight

SHASHU (車種) make or model (of vehicle)

KUUKI (空気) air

SUPEEDOMEETAA (スピードメーター) or SOKUDOKEI (速度計) speedometer

(Some Japified English examples that translate directly)

BUREEKI (ブレーキ) brakes

CHEEN (チェーン) chain

ENJIN (エンジン) engine

KURACCHI (クラッチ) clutch

OIRU (オイル) oil

ROKKU (ロック) lock

TAIYA (タイヤ) tire


HOKEN (保険) insurance

JIBAISEKIHOKEN (自賠責保険) mandatory vehicle liability insurance


JYUURYOOZEI (重量税) weight tax

KARIMENKYO (仮免許) temporary license

[UNTEN] MENKYOSHOU (「運転」免許証) [driver’s] license

SHONENDO TOUROKU (初年度登録) “year first registered” (i.e. model year)

NANBAA PUREETO (ナンバープレート) license plate

SHARYOUHOU (車両法) Motor Vehicle Law

DOUROKOUTSUU (道路交通法) Road Traffic Law

HAISHA (廃車) deregistered (out-of-service) vehicle

GAIKOKUJIN TOUROKU SHOUMEISHO (外国人登録証明書) alien registration card

JUUMIN HYOUSHOUMEISHOU (住民票証明書) Japanese citizen’s card

INKAN (印鑑) seal/stamp

HANKO (判子) seal/stamp officially used as a signature

Bad things:

AKAKIPPU (赤切符) (“red ticket”) ticket for particulary grevious offenses

AOKIPPU (青切符) (“blue ticket”) ticket for minor offenses

ATENIGE (当て逃げ) hit-and-run accident causing property damage

DANPU (ダンプ) dump truck

GASUKETSU (ガス欠) running out of gas

HIKINIGE (ひき逃げ) hit-and-run accident causing personal injury

HIKINIGE NI AU 退き逃げに合う to be the victim of a hit-and-run

HIKINI WO SURU 退き逃げをする do to a hit-and-run (not a good thing)

IHAN (違反) violation; offense

JIKO (事故) traffic accident

JINSHIN JIKO (人身事故) traffic accident resulting in personal injury/death.

BUSSON JIKO (物損事故) traffic accident resulting in property damage

KIPPU (切符) ticket (traffic, concert, train, plane, etc)

KOUTSUU JUUTAI (交通渋滞) traffic jam

KOSSETSU (骨折) bone fracture

PANKU (パンク) flat tire; tire leak

SHAKEN (車検) mandatory (and expensive) biyearly vehicle inspection

SUBERU (滑べる) to slip; to slide

KUROBU (転ぶ) to fall down

TAKUSHI (タクシー) taxi

TENTOU (転倒) dropping the bike, falling over

TORAKKU (トラック) truck

SHOUMEN SHOUTOTSU (正面衝突) head-on collision

TSUITOTSU (追突) rear-end collision


BYOUIN (病院) hospital

BIYOUIN (美容院) beauity parlor (don’t confuse with BYOUIN)

DOURO (道路) street; road

KAABU (カーブ) curve (in the road)

KEISATSUKAN (警察官) police station

KOUBAN (交番) police box

KOUSATEN (交差点) intersection

KOUSOKU DOURO (高速道路) very expensive toll highway

KYUUHAN (急坂) steep grade

MICHI (道) street; road

RIKU’UNKYOKU (陸運局) District Land Transport Bureau (i.e. DMV)

SUTANDO (スタンド) gas station; petrol station

TOUGE (峠) mountain pass

YUURYOU DOURO (有料道路) toll road


ANZEN (安全) safety; safe

ANZEN UNTEN (安全運転) driving safely

ANZEN DAIICHI (安全第一) safety first

ENJIN BUREEKI (エンジンブレーキ) engine braking (as opposed to using brakes)

KYUU BUREEKI (急ブレーキ) sudden braking; stopping very quickly

MANAA (マナー) manner of driving; following the rules

OINUKU (追い抜く) to pass (i.e. another vehicle)

KIBOU KAKAKU (希望価格) asking price

OOBAAHOORU (オーバーホール) overhaul (i.e. engine)

SOUKOU KYORI (走行距離) or NENPI mileage (i.e. odometer)

NIDAN KAIUSETSU (二段階右折) two-step right turn (see BIKE CLASSES)

Go on to the next page Bike Classes and Vehicle Licensing

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Author: The Japan FAQ

Creator of Japan FAQ and former resident of The Land of the Rising Sun.